The number of workdays a year can vary based on weekends, public holidays, and personal time off.
TLDR: There are about 240 workdays a year in Canada.
To calculate the approximate number of workdays in a year, you can use the following formula:
Calculating the number of workdays in a year
Generally, a year has 365 days (52 weeks), and a typical work week consists of 5 days (Monday through Friday).
Number of workdays per year = (52 weeks * 5 workdays per week) + number of workdays in the remaining days of the year.
In a non-leap year, there are 52 weeks and 1 day, totalling 365 days. In this case:
Number of workdays = (52 * 5) + 1 = 261 workdays
In a leap year, there are 52 weeks and 2 days, totalling 366 days. In this case:
Number of workdays = (52 * 5) + 2 = 262 workdays
These numbers are approximate and do not consider public holidays or personal time off. You may need to adjust the number of workdays based on your province’s public holidays and your time off (e.g., vacation, etc.).
Example province
For example, Ontario, Canada, has nine public holidays per year. Therefore, the next step to find how many workdays the average Ontario worker works per year is to subtract 9 from 261 (or 262 in a leap year), which is 252 (or 253 in a leap year) to account for all the holidays.
Also, in Ontario, Canada, for example, workers have at least two weeks of vacation (10 workdays) per year, while many workers have three weeks (15 workdays) of vacation per year. Therefore, the next step to find how many workdays the average Ontario worker works per year is to subtract 10 or 15 from 252 (or 253 in a leap year), which is 242 and 238, respectively (or 243 and 239 in a leap year) to account for all the holidays.
The number of workdays in Canada
Thus, in conclusion, in Ontario and much of the rest of Canada (because public holidays and vacation days are similar across the country), workers work about 240 workdays per year (this is a nice round number, and it is not exact for everyone). Keep in mind, this number could be higher or lower depending on the worker (and indeed, some websites say the average number of workdays in Canada is slightly higher, but this is my math and I’m sticking to it!).

Jeff is a lawyer in Toronto who works for a technology startup. Jeff is a frequent lecturer on employment law and is the author of an employment law textbook and various trade journal articles. Jeff is interested in Canadian business, technology and law, and this blog is his platform to share his views and tips in those areas.