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About Us

Hi, I’m Jeff Dutton. Welcome. started as a blog for my law firm, Dutton Employment Law, in 2016, covering Canadian employment law news and tips.

My law firm represented employees and companies in all industries, particularly individuals employed in social-media technology companies, national telecoms and banks.

In March 2023, I left the day-to-day practice of Dutton Employment Law to focus on my legal technology company, goHeather.

I decided to keep my blog up because I still enjoy blogging from time to time.

As a law firm from 2016-2024, Dutton Employment Law was honoured with peer-reviewed recognition and invitations to speak at conferences. In 2019, following a four-year merger ending in 2023 with fast growing industry leader Monkhouse Law, The Dutton Employment Law Group (our new name following our merger) was nominated for the 2019 Canadian HR Awards: Labour & Employment Law Boutique of the Year. In 2021, 2020, 2018 and 2017, The Dutton Employment Law Group was also nominated for the Canadian HR Reporter’s Best Employment and Labour Law Boutique.

We appeared in newspapers, magazines, textbooks, journals, TV and radio.

Toronto Employment Law Firm, Dutton Employment Law, Severance Law Firm, Human Rights Lawyers, Wrongful Dismissal Lawyers, Wrongful Terminations Law Firm