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How To Make A ChatGPT App (Using No Code)

Making basic or even advanced MVPs of apps that use ChatGPT is easy, even if you don’t know how to code.

I’m trying to build various legal tech AI apps, and here’s what I’ve learned.

Update November 2023: I just made this contract review app, which is in my niche, employment law. However, I have moved on from Bubble/Flutterflo and am now using the stack of NextJS, TailwindCSS, Supabase and OpenAI API to make AI apps. Still, what I learned on Bubble and Flutterflo was a great foundation to learn how to make an AI app.

To harness the power of ChatGPT for your app, all you have to do is connect your website/program (discussed below) to the OpenAI API. Currently, the general public has access to ChatGPT 3.5 in the OpenAI API, but soon OpenAI API will release the better ChatGPT 4 API to everyone wanting to build their own AI apps.

Step By Step (No Code Website + AI Integration)

To make an MVP app using ChatGPT, you need two simple ingredients:

  1. Front end and back end of your website/program. No code builders like Bubble and FlutterFlow handle this.
  • The AI. Make your AI outputer (IDK🙄) in the OpenAI API playground using your prompts, and then connect the API (with a click of a button) to your website/program.

As I mentioned, even if you are not a developer but still want to make an app using ChatGPT, you can use no-code or low-code app builders to “drag and drop” elements to create your app (instead of inputting code into a terminal). Also, the OpenAI API is essentially no-code/low-code – you can use prompts to create what you want (or you can use code).

The best no code / low-code builders for building ChatGPT apps are Bubble and FlutterFlow, IMHO. With both programs, it’s super easy to build a front and back end of a website/program without much coding skills. And then, because all you are doing is connecting the OpenAI API, adding the “AI” feature to your app is extremely simple. Anyone can do it.

There are enough forum posts, documentation articles and YouTube videos about Bubble and FlutterFlow using OpenAI that you can find all the instructions you will need, with examples of ChatGPT-powered apps, to create your program. Here’s a video that shows how to make an MVP of an AI copywriter app with and OpenAI’s ChatGPT inside your app in 45 minutes.

Overview of Bubble and Flutterflow

Bubble and FlutterFlow are two different platforms for building applications. Bubble is a no-code platform for the web, while FlutterFlow is a low-code platform for mobile apps (but they just released a builder for the web too). Here’s an overview of each:

Bubble and ChatGPT

Bubble ( is a powerful no-code platform allowing you to build web applications without writing code. It provides a visual interface for designing responsive web pages and a wide range of pre-built components and plugins for adding functionality to your app. You can also use Bubble’s API Connector to integrate with external APIs, including the OpenAI API. With both Bubble and the OpenAI API, you could make a cover letter generator like I did in just a weekend and I am a novice developer with only a beginner’s understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Bubble is free to try and it hosts your app.

Key features of Bubble include:

  • Drag-and-drop interface for building responsive web pages
  • Database and workflow management built-in
  • Customizable user authentication and access controls
  • Rich plugin ecosystem for extending functionality
  • API Connector for integrating with external services
  • Hosting and deployment options

Bubble is ideal for non-technical users who want to build web applications without learning to code or for developers who want to quickly prototype and deploy web apps.

Here’s how to connect the Cha GPT OpenAI API to Bubble.

FlutterFlow and ChatGPT

FlutterFlow ( is a low-code platform for building mobile and web applications using Google’s Flutter framework. It provides a visual interface for designing and prototyping apps, making creating high-quality cross-platform applications running on iOS and Android devices and web browsers easier. With FlutterFlow’s visual interface builder and ChatGPT’s API, you can build apps that can provide fast and accurate responses to customers’ inquiries in record time, like, for example, a marketing copy generator, in just a few days. 

FlutterFlow is free to try and hosts your app.

Key features of FlutterFlow include:

  • Visual interface for designing and prototyping Flutter apps
  • Support for Flutter widgets and custom components
  • Integration with Firebase for backend services (authentication, database, storage, etc.)
  • Support for creating custom animations and transitions
  • Ability to export your project as a fully functional Flutter codebase

FlutterFlow is ideal for users who want to build mobile applications using Flutter without having to write all the code manually. It’s suitable for beginners and experienced developers who want to prototype an AI app quickly.

Here’s how to integrate ChatGPT and FlutterFlow.

Conclusion: No Code Solutions for ChatGPT Apps

In summary, Bubble is a no-code platform focused on web applications, while FlutterFlow is a low-code platform for building mobile (and now web) applications using the Flutter framework. Both builders can seamlessly connect to the OpenAI API. The choice between these platforms generally depends on your target platform (web (Bubble) or mobile (FlutterFlow)) and your familiarity with coding (Bubble is easier than FlutterFlow).

New: ChatGPT launces its official iOS app