Every time you receive your paycheck, you may notice a term labelled ‘YTD’ various times on the pay stub. What exactly does this mean, you may have asked yourself? In short, YTD on a pay stub stands for “Year to Date”. More to the point, it means that the number correlated to where it says …
No, in Ontario, employers cannot force their employees to come into work early for unpaid meetings or the like. Likewise, employers cannot ask their employees to show up early to prepare or get something ready unless they are being paid for all the time they are there. The Ontario Employment Standards Act requires that all “work” is paid. To …
Section 2 of the Regulation Respecting Labour Standards sets out the rules about minimum wage in Quebec. On May 1, 2020, Quebec’s minimum wage rates went up. The new general minimum wage for 2020 and into 2021 in Quebec is $13.10 per hour. This is an increase of 60 cents per hour from the old minimum wage, …
Regulation 396/95 of the Employment Standards Act (“ESA”) sets out the rules about minimum wage in British Columbia. On June 1, 2020, British Columbia’s minimum wage rates went up. The new general minimum wage for 2020 and into the first half of 2021 in British Columbia is $14.60 per hour. This is an increase of $1.20 per hour from …
UPDATE October 1, 2023: See this blog post for changes to the Minimum Wage in Ontario after October 1, 2023. The minimum wage is the lowest wage per hour that a worker may be paid as mandated by Ontario law. It is $15.50 per hour. It is a legally mandated price floor on hourly wages, …